Karkadé is made from the red calyces
which form around the seed-pods of the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower.
It is this outer covering that is collected and dried to make karkadé.
Red tea كركديه Karkadé |
We didn’t have Red tea كركديه Karkadé available all the time at
home but I distinctly remember asking my mum for some and we struggled to
source it locally. I think when my parents went to Egypt we were able to
bring some back. Kept in a plastic container it lasted for years.
I remember having red tea كركديه Karkadé after that kind of like it
was cordial. Occasionally we would have it in winter, hot and in summer
it was a lovely refreshing drink served cold during the heat of the day.
I like it either way. I made it today hot and my husband drank Red tea كركديه Karkadé hot for the first time.
He seemed surprised that he liked it so I should remember that for next winter
when anything hot and sweet is particularly comforting.
Red tea كركديه Karkadé in the making |
To watch the video of how to make Red tea كركديه Karkadé, click the image below :
Alternatively, in a jug pour boiling
water. Add karkadé and sugar. Stir until sugar
dissolves. Leave for a couple of hours until the water becomes dark
red. Strain the tea and cool in refrigerator until serving. Drinking tea
made this way is believed to be able to lower blood pressure.
Red tea كركديه Karkadé
can come as a very dark red / purple colour. This has more flavour than the light red
variety. This lighter variety is also
more acidic so try and buy the dark Karkade.
Red tea كركديه Karkadé |
It may be difficult to source in some areas but the
best bet would be in Mediterranean delicatessens or possibly health food shops.
Speciality tea shops sell it too (something like T2 tea). T2 offers over
180 teas (wonderful for all you tea lovers out there) and amongst the lot they
have a variety of tea blends which contain Hibiscus in them. They are
called Very Berry Fruitea, Vanilla Slice, French Earl Grey,
Strawberries & Cream, Citrus Punch, Passion, Strawberry Sensation, Ruby Red
Rosehip, Raspberry Rush, Red Chai, Botanica, Fruit Royale, Spring, Sweet Spice,
Riotous Rose, Fruit Blush, Pumping Pomegranate.
They also, thankfully, stock Just Hibiscus which
is unblended so the best option if you want to try true Red tea كركديه Karkadé, plucked from the heart of
the hibiscus flower.
I got my last stock from Dad (as per usual) and so did not
have to go hunting for it myself.
If you have had Red tea كركديه Karkadé
or know where to get the tea from locally perhaps you could leave a comment here so that others
might be able to find it too.
Red tea كركديه Karkadé |
I am not a tea drinker, per say, herbals
occasionally but I do think that even if
you are not a tea drinker then this one is for you. Give it a try - you
might be surprised at how nice this tea can be!